Monday, July 14, 2014


Rafting up at the charming and funky Port Alberni Yacht Club, we meet the rest of the fleet; everyone seems pretty chill.  There will be four days of racing, the first day’s course is mapped out:  start near Adamson ROCK, round ROCKY Folger Island to starboard; round Swale ROCK, proceed to the easternmost island of the Alma Russell Islands, (all ROCKS), finish.  Course length:  13.5 miles.
Barkley Sound...

Charting the first day's course.
This should be interesting.  With Heron’s Furler stuck in the shop all spring, we’ve had only one sail raised so far this season. (That would be the jib, yesterday, for approx 10 minutes.)  Also, we have no crew to speak of – just the two of us -- manning all 54 feet.

I notice with alarm once we receive our fleet books that our new friends might act chill but they’re actually way-proficient sailors: Steve on Peregrine has Swiftsure, Oregon Offshore, Van Isle 360, and part of Transpac 2011 under his belt.  Innomorata, a Peterson 40, is an old racing warhorse, manned by “old sailors who act badly, and their rock star wives.” And then there are Neil and Susan, on a lovely Hinckley (heavy, we note hopefully).  Neil is a former member of the USNA sailing team – yikes! Thankfully the race doesn’t start ‘til noon, so we can all sleep in. 
Typical Mark:  killer rocks, relaxed audience.

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