Monday, September 20, 2010

Campbells Aboard!

Lori and Fred Campbell joined us for a week on the Heron in September.  It was amazing to have them fly all the way to the boat from New Jersey.  They landed at Dent Island Lodge (just north of Desolation Sound), in this seaplane, stepped onto the dock…

...and walked about 50 feet to the Heron.  We couldn’t believe they were here!  (With
gear for a week packed into just two 25-pound bags.) 

 We had a fabulous time... including three pristine days in Prideaux Haven, where Heron was one of only three boats  anchored so late in the season. and a GREAT sail down the Malaspina Strait with Lori (a terrific sailor), at the helm.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Slicing up Fitz Hugh Sound

We gingerly picked our way out of the McNaughton Islands in thick morning fog, but as we turned to head back down Fitz Hugh Sound the clouds lifted, and it turned into a gorgeous day -- 65 degrees, sunny,  air so crisp you could hear it whistle.  We hadn't had sails up all week, but as we crossed the mouth of Hakai Pass (which runs perpendicular to Fitz Hugh and is open to the Pacific), we suddenly hit winds blowing 15-20 from the SW.  Since it had been days since we'd been able to put the sails up, it took us a few seconds to register what had hit us!

While Kim rushed to clear away lunch, Jeff raised the Mainsail.  Leaving  dishes in the galley, Kim grabbed  life-jackets, then rushed back up to help raise the Staysail and Jenny.  By now Heron was on her side, flying through the water, the only boat for miles.   The wind picked up to 22 knots, and soon it felt like we were SHREDDING the water, the boat's left rail completely submerged as we hit 9.5 knots - a little out of control (!), but insanely fun and the fastest we'd ever gone under sail.  Sails up, we spied more giant humpbacks.  Kim managed to snap this shot of a tail fluke as we flew by...

After all the excitement, we had to laugh when we realized the cabin hadn't fared quite as well:  sandwich parts, crusts, plates, napkins were flung everywhere.  Even for two neat freaks like us it was worth it!  An invigorating, gorgeous day to be above 52 Degrees North  on the water...