Saturday, August 17, 2013

Headed North, 2013!

Heron Adventures setting sail here (well motoring mostly), north to Desolation Sound, the Broughton Islands, and beyond. Provisioned for six weeks at sea, Heron pushed off from Seattle’s Elliott Bay August 3, with Kim and Jeff aboard under lightly clouded skies. 

We are thrilled to have last season’s addition secured to the bow: two sturdy Seaward Kayaks with plexiglass bottoms, made on Vancouver Island.  They are so light that even the First Mate can slip one over the side of the boat and paddle away…

Stops along the way en route to Cortes Island: Friday Harbor, Ganges Harbor, Newcastle Marine Park, Garden Bay.

Help! Torture by Post-It.
At Newcastle Island Marine Park
On watch. 


  1. Livin' the dream; we're following you next year! -H & K8T

    1. We missed meeting up with you two for our Octopus Islands reunion, H.Thanks for the comment!
